Torpedo (1864)

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X-ray Photography (1895)
Rontgen discovers how to photograph inside the bodies of living things.
An X-ray is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a very short wavelength, in the range 10 to 0.01 nanometers. German physicist Wilhelm Rontgen (1845-1923) was experimenting with cathode rays in 1895 when he realized that these produced another form of radiation when they hit the glass of the cathode ray tube. He called them X-rays, as ‘X’ stands for the unknown in mathematics. Rontgen discovered that X-rays passed through soft materials, such as paper, card and fabric, and produced fluorescence and can be used to form images on a barium-coated photographic plate and discovered the X- rays passed through the flesh, but not through her bones, or her ring. Rontgen was awarded the first Noble prize for physics in 1901.
X –rays are a form of ionizing radiation, causing ions to be produced from the atoms that they hit, which is why they produce fluorescence. It was not known until the 1950s that X-rays can damage living cells, causing cancer. Some, but not all who worked with X-rays before this, including Rontgen, protected themselves from the radiation by using lead shields.
We now take for granted the crucial role X-rays perform in medical diagnosis, and this application developed rapidly after Rontgen’s initial discovery. X-rays also proved invaluable to crystallographers who used the scatter-patterns to investigate the structure of materials. Soon after their discovery, the harmful effect of X-rays were also harnessed to develop radiographic treatments for cancer.
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