Torpedo (1864)

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Sixteen years after inventing the telephone, Bell makes the first call from New York to Chicago in 1892.
Technical illustrations of telephone components designed by both Bell and Thomas Edison.
In the 1870s Edinburgh born Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) was working on a way to improve the telegraph. Although this was well established as a mean of long-distance communication, the fact that only one message could be sent at any one time mode it extremely limited. Bell`s original idea was to develop a “harmonic telegram”, using multiple pitches to transmit more than one message at the same time. While working on this, an idea came to him for a more elaborate system – one that could transmit not only the dots and dashes of morse code, but actual speech.
Several other terms were also pushing to transmit sounds via electricity, and there remains some controversy as to whether ideas were “borrowed” from other inventors, but it is undisputed that it was Bell who built the first working model and all before his thirtieth birthday. Along with his assistant Thomas Watson, Bell honed his idea and on March 10, 1876, he made the first-ever telephone call-“Mr. Watson came here I want to see you”.The call was to his assistant in the next room, and according to Bell’s accounts, he had to shout in to the apparatus to get to work, but the technology had been proven. The Bell Telephone company was founded the following years and within ten years some 150,000 households in the United States owned telephones.
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